

发布时间:2023-01-02 16:57:10阅读量:532

选择课程英语范文怎么写 第一篇

Whether universities should or should not recruit students independently is a heated discussion. Some students in our university think that autonomous enrollment is right first of all. It can reduce the burden of universities, because it can save a lot of procedures.

Secondly, it is the right of universities, because these universities can choose students. They, like other students, first of all, do not agree with the independent enrollment examination, which gives up the cultural advantages of our country and is not conducive to the transmission of our culture Broadcast, because if we give up this way, the traditional way of enrollment is good for both the country and the students. We must find an unknown way, which may sacrifice the interest of many students.

Moreover, it will mislead the basic education method, because if most universities recruit students independently, many courses will be ignored. I don't agree with the independent enrollment examination, I think I am We should stick to a succesul and sustainable approach to enrollment, because it turns out to be true.



选择课程英语范文怎么写 第二篇

Chinese high school graduates have different views on how to choose their own courses and universities. We have done a survey and research. From the table, we can see that about% of the students think that they should choose their own courses and universities.

They say that interest is the mother of success. Besides, it's painful to spend most of your time learning what you're not interested in, but they insist that the main consideration should be the needs of society, because they believe that not everyone can find their favorite job. What's more interesting is that some people find it difficult to make a choice and prefer to rely on their parents or teachers.



选择课程英语范文怎么写 第三篇

In students' course selection, more and more universities allow students to choose their own courses or teachers, which has a great impact on university learning. Students tend to pay more attention to whether teachers are responsible and kind when choosing courses. Humor is another important factor to consider when selecting courses, because every student is willing to participate in interesting lectures rather than boring lectures.

First of all, students have great flexibility in choosing the teachers they like, so they will participate in the selection of these teachers more actively. In addition, this measure promotes students' autonomous learning. On the other hand, course selection also has its negative effects.

Some excellent teaching classes will attract a large number of students beyond the limit, while others only have a few students, so they teach The competition between teachers will become more and more fierce. With the progress of society and technology, the course selection is of great benefit to both university students and students. Universities are open, so some schools allow students to choose lectures with reasons.

If we want to choose lectures, first of all, we should pay attention to the fact that this class is very attractive to you, so that you can study hard. In addition, teachers should have a sense of humor. Therefore, students will be interested in this class and students will take pains to study.

It is undeniable that the choice of lectures can resonate between teachers and students. It can promote the friendship between teachers and students, and also provide a good learning environment for students. With the advancement of course selection, they seem to be friends.

With the advancement of course selection, more and more problems have attracted our attention. First, teachers may not respect or some teachers will be eliminated In short, there is no garden without s. It has played a positive role in the development of the University.

Although it has a negative impact, we should make full use of its achievements and avoid the opposite.




选择课程英语范文怎么写 第四篇

If college students choose this subject by themselves, most of the courses in universities and colleges are compulsory courses. However, some courses are optional. Although the proportion is very small, elective courses cause a question: should college students choose their own courses? As far as I am concerned, I think college students should be encouraged to choose the courses they are interested in.

xxxInterest is the best teacherxxx students will certainly learn the subjects they voluntarily choose more effectively than the subjects they are forced to choose, because the subjects they choose are no longer a burden, and they may become more active in relevant research. Therefore, I tend to say that colleges and universities should offer more choices Courses for students to choose from.



选择课程英语范文怎么写 第五篇

Before the s, there were many small universities in the United States, most of which were colonial. They were small institutions related to the church. Their main concern was to shape the moral character of students throughout Europe.

Institutions of higher learning have developed, engraved with the ancient name of German universities. From the middle of this century to the end of this century, more than 9000 young Americans were dissatiied with their training in China. They were mainly concerned with the creation and dissemination of knowledge rather than morality.

Some of them returned to Germany for further study, and some of them returned to Germany to serve as Harvard Yale Columbia branch of famous universities They are employed because of their knowledge of a certain subject, not because they have a correct belief, and have a strong force to train students. The new principle is that universities should not only create knowledge, but also impart knowledge. It requires the establishment of a faculty composed of teachers.

The rote study and study of scholars have been replaced by the German teaching method. In this teaching method, the professor's own research is displayed in the postgraduate training class, so as to obtain the doctor's degree. With the establishment of the Institute, an ancient German degree, which marks the highest level of academic achievement, was introduced into the seminar .

The scale and curriculum of the new university have greatly broken through the shackles of the old classic mathematics course rhetoric and music. The president of Harvard University initiated the course selection , and students can choose their own The new goal is to connect universities with the real pursuit of the world, pay close attention to the actual needs of society, and train male and female students to complete their tasks. Among them, the most engineering students with the characteristics of the new regime are also trained as economists, architects, agronomists, social welfare workers and teachers.



选择课程英语范文怎么写 第六篇

Today's college students are faced with choices that were unheard of many years ago, such as two-way choice. Self employment is not a new thing for them. Many students rush into the job market or look for potential employers at every job fair to promote themselves rather than hide their ideas.

Being accepted by students is not a trivial matter. It may be anyone who is about to graduate One of the most important decisions they can make in their lives, so they are very serious and cautious at that moment, which is what society has taught them.



