

发布时间:2023-01-04 17:13:50阅读量:389

爱德思经济考试范文 第一篇

In August 2017 copper prices increased by 7% to $ per pound,its highest price since September ’s demand for the metal increased as a result of its continued economic is the world’s largest copper consumer buying 46% of global has also restricted imports of recycled copper which means more businesses have switched to buying newly-mined copper.

(source:adapted from copper prices are near a three-year high,for one keyreason,’Kinsey Grant,31 August 2017,


本材料全部是老师自己敲出来的,所以我们看完一段材料就直接地把与材料对应的小题做完。根据我们做题的经验,通常(a)对应着最靠前的材料,再看下问题(a)确实是with reference to Figure 1and Extract 1,并且还是让同学们用D&S 来分析。

爱德思经济考试范文 第二篇

price elasticity of demand refers the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price ,and is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in the value is between-1 and 0,this means the response of Qd is less than the change in price and the good is insensitive to a price change,it is price inelastic.

In the extract 2, there are no approximate substitutes in copper, that is to say, substitutes of copper have low aluminum is sometimes used instead of copper in some industries, switching between the two metals involves costs and delays,this means that the demand of copper has not fallen much in a rush as prices go up.

爱德思经济考试范文 第三篇


price elasticity of supply refers the responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in price ,and is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity supplied by the percentage change in the value is less than 1,this means the response of Qs is less than the change in price and the good is insensitive to a price change,it is price inelastic.

According to the second paragraph in extract 2, firstly, due to the high fixed cost of developing new copper mines, such as large equipment, and the long start-up time, cooper's price increase will not lead to a large increase in supply in the short addition, existing copper mining operations are approaching their current capacity, meaning existing copper mines cannot increase , in this excerpt, it is noted that supply responds adequately only when prices rise other words, the change in quantity supplied is less than the change in summary, the supply of copper is the supply is inelastic, the graph is shown below:[application+analysis]

In the short term, Cooper's supply may be inelastic, but in the long term, as prices rise, companies are more confident in investing in copper mines with better prospects, and as production increases, the average cost of copper mines will decrease, so copper supply will increase.

In the context of the global economic slowdown, many enterprises also began to store newly mined copper. As the storage increased, the market could increase the supply when the market price increased, instead of relying on production to provide Cooper.[evaluation]



爱德思经济考试范文 第四篇




●Section A●




重点考查了concentration ratio的相关计算,该公式为



重点考查了minimum wage的影响。Demand for labour与supply of labour之间的差距即unemployment,其中extension指数量增加,contraction指数量减少。另外对于给出图像的题目,要仔细读图,理解各个字母和面积所代表的含义。


重点考查了diminishing returns,首先看清图表每列所代表的含义再进行答题,随着可变投入量的增加,产量增量递减,这时候发生了收益递减。可变投入量越多,成本越大。


重点考查了导致supply of labour减少的原因。先读题看清考查的是cause还是effect,再读选项分清increase和decrease。


重点考查了monopolistically competitive market中profit-maximising firm的特点。该题考点较多,要求学生能对productive efficiency和allocative efficiency,以及normal profit和supernormal profit熟练掌握并清楚区分。

●Section B●


(a) data response第 一问基本是固定的计算题,该问要求计算咖啡豆价格的百分比变化,通过‘(新-旧)/旧’的公式可以计算出结果。计算题需要认真读图(Figure 1),细心计算。

(b) 该问为定义题,考查了‘short-run shutdown point’的定义,难度不大,重点考查学生对shutdown point的理解与定义背诵,记得结合材料Extract A。

(c) 该问考查2015至2019年间咖啡豆供给增加的两个原因,所找原因应来自材料Extract A,比如improved method of production,并进一步分析该原因如何使供给增加。注意题目提示,记得用上Figure 2的数据,比如某年产量或者两年间增量。

(d) 该问考查barriers to entry,答案仍然需要结合材料,从Extract B里找到进入美国咖啡市场存在的两个壁垒,比如already a number of well-known firms。除了关键词以外,需要学生进行更细节的分析,说明这些壁垒是如何阻止公司进入市场的。此问8分,所以还需要做evaluation。

(e) 该问主要由两部分组成。首先学生需要回答在2018年星巴克利润增加的多个原因,并讨论这些原因是如何提高利润的。其次学生需要从找到的这些原因中选择一个展开分析,并且使用成本收入图表来帮助进行分析说明,建议选择自己擅长的、有把握分析全面的一个原因,画图时横竖轴、每条线以及各关键点都需要标注正确且清晰。最后不要忘记evaluation。

●Section C●




该题重点考查垄断市场的效率。学生需要先简单定义垄断市场,之后选取多个角度对垄断市场的效率进行评估,比如productive efficiency,allocative efficiency,dynamically efficient等。在分析过程中可以主要考虑对公司和消费者的影响,不要忘记结合材料。最后在evaluation阶段,需要从反面进行分析,全面或部分对主体段的分析展开讨论或推翻。画相关图表的时候注意标注清楚横竖轴与各条曲线。


该题重点考查mobility of labour,难度不大,思路明晰,学生需要从地理位置和工作两方面列举出减少劳动力不可移动性的方法,比如政府提供廉租房,公司提供培训等,每种方法都需要展开分析,写作过程中注意逻辑关系的简明扼要,建议以总分总的形式合理安排段落,各段开头以中心句标明关键词。




爱德思经济考试范文 第五篇

1. 宏观经济表现的量度:各种版本的总产出GDP(包括PPP)及其局限;通胀率inflation rate,

2. 通胀inflation和通缩deflation的成因、后果(causes、consequences)

3. 失业率unemployment rate的含义和计算

4. 移民migration对就业的影响

5. 总需求AD的移动因素+总供给LRAS/SRAS的移动因素

6. 五大宏观经济目标(macroeconomic aims)及目标间的冲突(conflicts of aims)

7. 三大政策(财政Fiscal policies + 货币政策monetary policies + 供给侧政策supply side policies)政策措施、作用原理、影响及其局限

8. 财政政策乘数效应(multiplier effect)相关计算

9. 国际收支余额(balance of payment)中的经常性账户(current account),有形商品goods和无形服务service的进出口

爱德思经济考试范文 第六篇

Copper has few close it is possible to use aluminium in place of copper in some industries,there are costs and delays involved in switching between the two metals.

The supply of copper is usually unresponsive to price movements in the short term because of the high fixed costs and lengthy start-up times involved in developing new copper copper mining business are working close to their current can take huge price changes in the industry for supply to respond sufficiently to bring the market back to equilibrium.

However,during the most recent global economic slowdown copper was stored.

(source:adapted from http” driving-force-behind-coppers-rally)

(b)小题考察弹性这一知识点比较多,但是通常是PES,对PED较少,但是这次是要求考生说明copper is likely to be price inelastic的原因,同学们需要回忆一下在课本上学过哪些影响PED的因素,比如替代品的可获得性,时间的长短,市场定义范畴等;在(c)中,则要求考生讨论PES是elastic 还是inelastic,所以依然要同学们对影响PES的因素很熟悉。

爱德思经济考试范文 第七篇




总供给与总需求,通货膨胀,国际收支,汇率,贸易条件,Absolute and comparative advantage,贸易保护,宏观经济政策






爱德思经济考试范文 第八篇


Unit 1&2(各105min,各占IAL25%)

Section A:选择题6分(6题)

Section B:简答题20分(5题)

Section C:Data Response 34分(1题)

Section D:Essay 20分(1题)


Unit 3&4(各120min,各占IAL25%)

Section A:选择题6分(6题)

Section B:Data Response 34分(1题)

Section C:Essay 40分(2题)

