

发布时间:2022-11-17 10:07:55阅读量:87

英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第一篇


英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第二篇

My dream everyone has a dream. Some people want to be doctors. Some people want to be scientists.

My dream is to be a teacher. A good teacher can teach students a lot of knowledge. They are very great.

When you have difficulties in learning, they will work day after day. They will try their best to help you. So I want to be a teacher.

I know it's not easy to be a teacher, but I am Determined to study hard, I believe my dream will come true.



英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第三篇

If someone asks me what I want to do in the future, I will not hesitate to say a teacher. Being a teacher is a great job, and its responsibility is very heavy, but it is full of a sense of achievement. I like the work with a sense of achievement, and I also like children.

I want to cultivate them into people who are useful to the society in my mind. No job can be compared with a teacher.



英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第四篇

为后辈献出了所有的热和光!您的品格和精神,不停的燃烧!您讲的课,每一个章节都仿佛在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到了一个斑斓的新世界。你是我的语文老师,你在我的成长道路上,撒下了希望的种子。为了提高我们的作文水平,激发我们的写作兴趣,你29年来一直承诺与一届届学生写同题作文或下水作文,使许多同学能够迅速走上作文成功之路,在全国各地的报纸上发表文章和频频得奖。你编的书和发表的文章也越来越多…… 在纪律上你对我们从不放松,还戴着花镜,但上课时,每一个玩小动作的同学都逃不过你的眼睛。彭秀在上语文课时做英语,才拿出来就被老师捕捉到了,老师看了她一眼,她没知觉,老师盯着她了还是没感觉到,没把作业收好,你生气了,狠狠的批评了他,再没有人敢在语文课上做别的事情了。记得在开学时我默写怎么也默不对。薛老师眼里的目光是那么严厉,让人萌生前进的动力,薛老师,你为了我们花了很多的心血,你的付出和对我们认真负责的态度,使我们敬佩。就会把你们当做是我的儿子和女儿,我怎么敢不抓紧呢。

英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第五篇

I want to be a teacher. There are many different jobs in our daily life. I want to be a technician because I like children very much.

I like to teach children English, Chinese and mathematics. My parents are teachers. Teachers usually work in school.

I think iob is very cool. I think I can be a good teacher. I want to be a teacher.

I want to be a teacher because I think When a teacher was my pride when I was young, my mother told me that since then, teacher is one of the most important jobs in the world. I study harder than before. I found that not all students love their teachers, but teachers love all their students.

So I found that teachers have been a job without fish since I was a child. I have a dream in my heart I am willing to use the rest of my life to help more people realize themselves and follow the footsteps of our ancestors morally and technically. Secondly, if I have the opportunity to be a teacher, I always like to share my experience with others, and I want to share my experience with my students Learning experience helps them learn more easily.

I have the opportunity to be their friend, which will make me like this job more. Finally, there is another attraction, that is, teachers always have a career. I can spend more time with my family.

I always believe that family is important. According to what I said above, I have a dream of becoming a teacher.



英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第六篇

人如果没有了理想,就像没有了前进的动力.每个人都有自己的理想.小时候,我曾想当一名救死扶伤的医生,我有想当帮助人民的警察,我又想当一名演员.而现在,我的理想是当一名教师.我为什么想当教师呢?路过一个看上去很贫穷、偏僻的小山区.我站在山顶,发觉那里连一间像样的校园都没有.同行的叔叔随便问了一个小孩,回答却是因为没人肯来这穷地方教书,所以那里没人上学,但是他们也向上学.我想,我要当一名优秀的教师,日后到一些贫困山区去教书.在我的心中,教师像默默无闻的蜡烛,照亮了别人.为了我这个理想,让日后好把知识都传授给那里的孩子们.我还要学会开导别人,如果学生有烦恼,我会静静地听他们倾诉,开导他们.我要当一个有智慧和能力的好教师.理想是人生道路上的指路明灯.有了自己的理想,我就要努力奋斗,向理想前进.我的理想每个人都有自己的理想,我的理想是当一名教师.我觉得作好一名好的教师并不容易,而且我觉得老师是一根蜡烛燃烧着自己,老师是一位辛勤的园丁,哺育着祖国的花朵;老师是春蚕,老师是一根粉笔,留下了知识……因此,我非常地崇拜老师.如果我的理想实现了.我一定先让学生们逃脱对学习的烦恼.我还会把我会的东西耐心地教他们,我不仅要教我的学生知识,我也要教会我的学生们如何做人,使他们成为全面发展的好学生,成为国家的栋梁.让学生们有一颗爱心和宽阔的胸怀,不为小事而烦恼.我会教他们尊敬师长,继续发扬中华民族的美德,做一位合格的小公民.我还教会他们诚实守信,不可以说话不算数,并给他们讲xxx小时候诚实守信的故事,做一个诚实守信的好学生.这就是我的理想.我要像我的老师一样,不辞辛苦地用我的知识来灌溉祖国的花朵. 我的理想俗话说:一个人假若没有远大的理想”是不可能有所作为的.从远古时代的盘古开天辟地到如今的知识爆炸、信息革命,多少仁人志士都有着崇高的理想.理想是我们奋斗前进、勇于创新的动力,理想是人生的指路灯;理想是战胜困难的力量源泉.懵懂的小时侯;当我看到那些富有爱心的幼儿教师用手轻轻抚摸摔伤了的小朋友红扑扑的小脸蛋、想方设法来哄住他的时候,我便在我童稚的心里立下志愿——我,也要做一名杰出的幼儿教师,做一位辛勤的园丁,细心照料祖国大花园里的每一朵鲜花,我就会把上面的语句落实到行动当中去.我会用爱心去征服那一个个顽皮的身影.让他们也懂得,老师是爱他们的.当然,让可爱的小朋友们认识到错误、并牢记在心,我要让他们脱离幼儿时代就背负起学习重担的阴影,我会用他们喜爱的方式让小朋友们爱上学习,从而为成为祖国栋梁而奋斗,但我也不会逼迫他们去学习!这一切都还只是泡影.我的理想是在每个人的内心深处,都会有那美丽的理想.理想–是推动人类进步的动力,是人一生奋斗的目标.没有理想的人就好似一副没有灵魂的躯壳在这个世界上徘徊,去也匆匆. 虽然现在老师的地位不算高,经济在日益腾飞的今天,老师的薪水那么薄,但老师那无怨无悔兢兢业业为人类为社会培育出一代又一代的科技人才,带动了世界科学的飞跃进步,老师的贡献应该说是功不可没的. 我的老师经常用朴实的话语教导我们,的小学老师.小学老师的重要,而且由于他们在洁白如纸的孩子们的心灵上,这痕迹往往影响孩子们的一生.我会拿起那根没有年轮的教鞭,耕拓岁月.我站在讲台上,心里是那么自豪.下面是一双双渴望知识的眼神包围着我.我感觉一颗颗幼小的心灵在亲近我. 可是,如果现在不努力学习,理想就会泡沫般消逝,我现在一定要追求理想,追求希望,追求明天.理想和志向、成功是循环小数,与希望相连.每当我遇到困难和挫折时,我总以这个理想来勉励自己,永远不要轻易放弃,那么我现在就扬起理想小船的风帆,的港口努力地驶去”驶去教师是个神圣的职业.俗话说得好,老师是蜡烛:照亮了我们的人生道路却燃烧了自己,老师似春蚕;老师像一艘大船;把我们送往成功的彼岸.哪一个成功人士,哪一个受众人仰慕的科学家不是老师辛苦培养出来的. 教师是个辛苦的职业.班上总是有许多同学的成绩上不去,老师不管有多忙多辛苦还是坚持每天给那些,老师总是关心的问寒问暖”搀扶着他们回家.每天晚上睡得最晚的是老师,早上起得最早的是老师,老师又为我们批改作业,那些不公平的白头发还偏偏要先爬上老师的发梢.教师是神圣的职业.他们的袖口上有永远也都不掉的粉笔灰,嘴里有永远也吐不完的优美词句,手里有永远也画不完的圆和角,眼睛里有永远也琢磨不透的意思.我敬佩老师,也衷心得感谢老师对我的厚爱,我也想作一位老师,作一位贫困山区的老师,给予那里的孩子知识,让他们同城市的孩子一样享受知识海洋的孕育,祖国的骄傲张海迪阿姨曾经说过,而我的理想是当一名英语老师.英语老师这个职位对我有着非同一般的吸引力,我向往当老师.还记得当我第一次接触ABC时”带着我翱翔英语世界.从那时起,我的心里就萌生出了一个念头,我长大后要当英语老师,教其他孩子们学习英语,我始终不忘我的这个念头!

英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第七篇

If I grew up as a teacher, I'll education each and every one of my students, learning life, learn to be human. In class, I want to let them learn happily; I try to impart knowledge to them with some easy to understand language, ensure that every student can understand you. Next class, I want to chat with students together face to face, communication, listen carefully and learn them each and every one of advice for me, want to make friends with them, went into the inner world of the children, help them solve difficulties. Homework every night I will decorate some less as far as possible, let they came home in the evening to regulate the brain. Before the exam, I'll say a few words less as far as possible, don't make too much pressure to students, because only the relaxed mood, the exam will be able to play well. What is more important to pay attention to students' every move, if it is found that they have bad habits, I will help them to correct in a timely manner, and ensure that each and every one of my students, don't let students bully them.

In order to make I can realize the dream, I set the following goals for yourself:

First: to have a good thought personal character.

When a good teacher, you should have a good thought personal character. Now I am going to respect teachers, and students get along, mutual help, don't I want to help solve the problem of others, don't say dirty words, foul language, more can't hit people, call names, see the uncivilized phenomenon to stop in time.

Second, study hard, solid groundwork.

To do a teacher, first of all should have rich knowledge. Now I will listen carefully in class, the class assignments seriously, not questions ask others modestly, have excellent grades in all the subjects, achieve all-round development.

英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第八篇

I had many "if..." But now, I want to be a teacher.

If I were a teacher, I will not keep a straight face all day, let the students be afraid of me. Although is a strict teacher I, but I don't want to too. But also cannot too friendly, cannot let them run amok. Kind that two beings become one and five points and five points, can not only become a good friend of the students, and can become an excellent teacher.

If I were a teacher, I must've shackled won't leave a lot of homework. Because, these simple repetitive work does not make sense, for the students.

If I were a teacher, I must let the students to know learning is a happy thing. Class, I use vivid humorous discourse interpretation of the text. Look! The platform, the pairs of small eyes desire knowledge was intently staring at me!

If I were a teacher, I will bring the students into the classroom of nature. Spring, I take them fly a kite and catch butterflies. Summer, I with they rowed the boat, catch dragonflies; In autumn, I take them pick the fruit, collect leaves; In winter, I take them snowball fights, make a snowman. I don't believe it, this kind of life, students write a composition will be nothing to write. I don't believe that childhood life, students will easily forget.

Ah! How I want to be a popular teacher.

英语我想成为老师作文600字作文初二 第九篇

Believe that everyone has a dream of desire, I am no exception. When a teacher is my wish. Why is that? Because you can let the children learn a lot of rich knowledge, let the children to the next level grow up when the pillars of the motherland

One day, the children dressed in clean school uniforms to school. But there are a lot of people do not have to wear red scarf, I will punish them standing at the door for 10 minutes and told them many things. Every student dare not speak harsh words, because they are very respect me, think I scold them is right. In the morning, I once again check in. As a result, there is no one who so so.

I be a teacher is a very fair, who can't be good to me, I give you on duty cadres. When making the class cadre report every day, of course, some people bad things but I don't feel bored, but to listen earnestly.

I not only teach students seriously, but also the class management in good order, no mistakes.

I know that when a teacher, not easy. So, I will good good study, day day up. Grew up to finish I want to be a teacher's dream.


