

发布时间:2023-03-02 19:20:00阅读量:877

一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第一篇



我一口答应,就想:奶奶学会后,和老外奶奶交流,说到是我教的后,肯定会奖励我的。我让奶奶坐在沙发上,搬来一只小黑板,在黑板上写着什么。爷爷也想来听听,就也坐在沙发上。他们都不知我写什么。我扭头,对他们说:“悠悠清华英语班开课!”他们都笑了。我在黑板上写下“one”------“ten”,指着“one”说:“奶奶,这是什么?”奶奶摇摇头。我说:“是‘wan’、‘tu’!”我认为奶奶学会了,可奶奶说:“一是婉,二是兔子,三是醉,四是斧。”我哈哈大笑起来,对奶奶说:“六是什么?”奶奶一本正经的说:“谁个死!”我和爷爷都笑了,奶奶不甘示弱:“七是‘散文’,八是‘哎特’,九是‘奶’,十是‘盆’!”奶奶说她会说英语数学了,要我教别的。我故意说:“100是one hundred,那10000呢?”恐怕是数学奶奶是老手吧,她说:“碗喊人的乘碗喊人的!”我们大笑起来。哎!奶奶!您太幽默了。


一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第二篇






一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第三篇

本周星期二的一节英语课上,从五(4)班教室传出了一阵阵欢笑声。这是怎么一回事?走进一看,教室黑板上画着一片美丽的大森林,上面赫然写着:Little Red Riding Hood’s Story Show。原来,同学们正在分组表演了英语小品“小红帽”。每五人为一组,共分了三组,各组的表演精彩纷呈,给大家带来了许多欢乐。





一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第四篇







一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第五篇







一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第六篇

My Chinese teacher walked into the classroom one morning, and instead of taking out some books, she only held an egg in her right hand.

With a big smile on her face, she looked into our surprised eyes and walked up to her desk. She put down the egg, and it rolled on the desk.

She looked at us with teasing eyes and asked, “What are we going to do with this, class? Guess!”looked at the egg, and scratched my head. “What are we doing with a funny egg? Eat it? Not me, I don’t like to eat eggs. ” I told myself.

“Helen, what do you think we are going to do?” The teacher asked me.

“Er…, I suppose you will give the egg to a classmate to eat.”“ No, I’m going to challenge you to stand the egg up on its tip. Now, who wants the first try?”

To stand the egg up on its tip? How?

A big boy had the first try. He carefully picked the egg up and stood it up on the desk. But as soon as he took his fingers off the egg, it fell down and tumbled around. He tried some more times, but each time the egg came rolling down. He went back to his seat, looking rather distressed.

“Never mind, who wants another try?” The teacher asked. “I will.” said Joe, a boy who was often full of tricks. As he went up to the teacher’s desk, he took out a tube of paper gluefromhis pocket, and started to stick the egg to the desk. Several classmates giggled, but we watched with interest. Unfortunately, the paper glue was not useful, and the egg rolled like a tumbler as if it was laughing, and it couldn’t help tumbling back and forth. We burst into laughter. The boy made a face at the egg, and had to give up.

“I say, why don’t girls have a try? It seems quite interest-ing. ”

“OK, I’ll have a try. ” Oh, it was my-friend, Elizabeth, a very clever girl.

She examined the eggfrom“head ”to “foot”, and smelled it. Suddenly, she seized the tiny pointingendof the egg and PRESSED it against the desk. With a crisp little sound, the egg husk of the tinyendcracked a little, but the egg—stood right up! We all opened our mouths with astonishment, unbelieving our ?eyes. What a sight it was—an egg, standing up firmly on its tip! We began to clap our hands loudly.

“Congratulations to you! What a nice job you have done! Would you tell us how you stood the egg up? ”The teacher was mightily pleased. “Yes, yes, tell us please!” We all demanded.

“Oh, that’s easy, I found the egg was boiled, so when I pressed it against the desk, it didn’t break and let the egg white and yolk flow out. In fact, the egg did crack a little, but that didn’t matter, after all, it stood. ”

“Thank you! That was a fine explanation! Now attention, everyone. Would you like to write down this experience as today’s composition?” So we did, and wrote excellent papers.

What an interesting lesson it was!

一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第七篇

An Unforgettable Lesson

I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life。 Among them the one given by an American is most unforgettable。

It was on Tuesday morning。 Our teacher told us an i Americari would give us an English lesson。 Then in came a young man, he greeted us in English and then began his class。It was quite different from those We had before, During the whole eiass, he played games with us, taught us Eriglish songs and helped us act a dialogue。 He neither taught UsEngllsh grammar rules nor asked Us to do lots of written exercises。 He was not serious at all。 He was always smiling at each of us。 Happy time was always short。 Before we knew it, the class was over。

I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class。







一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第八篇

A few days ago, we began to learn a new textbook, cloud and mist of Lushan Mountain is the most unforgettable lesson for me.

In class, Mr. Ge showed us a lot of pictures about Lushan Mountain with a projector. There are charming clouds, steep mountains, and waterfalls that flow for thousands of miles... This let us know more about the beautiful Lushan Mountain and inspired my infinite yearning for Lushan Mountain. After that, Mr. Ge also told us a lot of poems about Lushan Mountain, such as Li Bais watching Lushan waterfall. It turns out that Lushan Mountain is so famous in ancient times. Later, we also learned some new words and gained a lot.

一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第九篇

How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?

Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked over-aged in our should have retired from teaching last he didn't want to leave his platformhis all studentsand stay till last the morning of April 22Wednesdayhe stood at the gate of the classroom as bell rang and Mr Zhang appeared on the to our surprisehe was wearing the coat he wore for the first class a few years ago.“Boys and girlsI am sorry this is the last lesson I give you...”He wisperedtears came to his such wordsall of us were shocked.“Why? Mr did you say that?”It turned out that Mr Zhang had suffered lung knew about that long ago but he didn't tell us because he didn't want us to worry about now the disease had got worse and he had to receive didn't and couldn't believe!

In the classMr Zhang encourged us to study diligently and be good perons in the future.

This was my unforgettable 'll keep it in mind forever.我们怎么能忘记上个月张先生给我们的教训?




一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第十篇

I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.

It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man. He greeted us in English and then began his class. It was quite different from those we had before. During the whole class he taught us several

English songs played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of time was always short. Before we knew it the class was over. We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom.

I will never forget his smile his songs and everything he had done in his class.在我的学校生活中,我有过很多课。其中一个由美国年轻人是最难忘的。



一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第十一篇

ive had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable.

it was on tuesday morning in may. our teacher told us all of a sudden that an american would give us an english lesson. then in came a young man. he greeted us in english and then began his class. it was quite different from those we had before. during the whole class he taught us several

english songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. he neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of time was always short. before we knew it, the class was over. we took a photo with our american teacher in the classroom.

i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.

ive had many lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable.

in his class, the american teacher neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he just played games with us, taught us several english songs and helped us act out a all, he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of was quite different from those we had before. however, it was strange that all of the students grasped what they learned in class.

i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.

一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第十二篇






一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第十三篇

Bite 00! Ding zero With a sharp ring, class began!


This is a different class. There are many tall xxxstudentsxxx (our father and mother) in the classroom. You will think: how can father and mother come to the classroom? And become a xxxstudentxxx? Mom and dad are so big. Do they need to go to school? Don't worry, let me tell you the answer! Today is xxxparents open dayxxx! Parents come to our class.


There are many parents in the back of the classroom and my mother. I am very nervous, but I want to show myself in front of other parents and prove my strength to my mother. When the teacher asked a question, I thought of my mother's encouragement and expectation. I raised my hand without hesitation or hesitation. The teacher asked me to answer the question, and I easily said the right answer!


Unconsciously, I gradually forget that there are many parents behind me. I put all my spirit and mind into the classroom and roam in the ocean of knowledge. Just like the little tree in spring sucks nectar, it absorbs knowledge.


We all listened attentively to the teacher's lecture, and we all raised our hands very actively


All of a sudden, xxxDing zeroxxx ring in my ear, the original bell rang after class, I think this class time is very short!


After class, looking at the smile on the teacher's face, looking at the proud expression on Mother's face, my heart is sweeter than eating honey!


一堂难忘的英语400字作文 第十四篇

I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American is most unforgettable.

It was on Tuesday morning. Our teacher told us an i Americari would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man, he greeted us in English and then began his was quite different from those We had before, During the whole eiass, he played games with us, taught us Eriglish songs and helped us act a dialogue. He neither taught UsEngllsh grammar rules nor asked Us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us. Happy time was always short. Before we knew it, the class was over.

I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.






